Monday 7 September 2015

Swiss Egg Rolls Recipe

Learn how to make Swiss Egg Rolls using healthy ingredients!


Eggs: 2
Milk: 1 cup
Water: 1 cup
Flour: 2 cup
Aginomoto or Chinese Salt: ½ teaspoon
Salt: to taste
Mithoo Cooking Oil: as per requirement

For Filling:

Mincemeat: ½ kg
Ginger paste: 1 tablespoon
Garlic paste: 1 tablespoon
Black pepper powder: ½ tablespoon
Soya sauce: 2 tablespoon
Egg: 1 (whipped)
Salt: to taste


Put garlic, ginger paste, salt, black pepper powder and a little amount of water along with mincemeat in a pot. Put it on low flame so that the mincemeat is cooked. Once meat has tenderized and water has evaporated then fry it in Mithoo Cooking oil. In the end, add soya sauce and take it off the stove For the filling, mix together all ingredients mentioned above except for Mithoo Cooking Oil. In a nonstick pan, put a little bit of Mithoo Cooking Oil and put the egg mixture in it. Cook this pan cake from both sides and add meat filling in it. Roll the pancake and fry using already warm Mithoo Cooking Oil. Serve with tomato sauce and salad.

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